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Emilia 'Daenerys' Clarke Confess To Drinking Vodka Before Acting Nude In Game Of Thrones [PICS]

Emilia Clarke, 29,  The actress, who plays Daenerys Targaryen on Game of Thrones, confessed that she just had to drink some vodka before that pivotal nude scene. Funny thing is, the alcohol was left in her dressing room by the show’s creators.

“All I needed was vodka and some flattering lighting and I was ready,” she told The Sun.

The alcohol was conveniently left in her dressing room by the Game of Thrones creators. After taking a few swigs, she felt comfortable enough to take everything off for Daenerys’ big season 6 moment. Even though she was nervous, Emilia had no problem stripping down.

“It was just a wonderful, strong moment I wanted to own, a real empowering, girl-power wow scene,” she continued. “I was so thrilled with it. It’s not a sexy scene, she’s not naked for no reason, it’s not gratuitous. She’s naked because she’s just destroyed her enemies in this almighty blaze after they underestimated her.”

-- Hollywood Life

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