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14 Most Insane Wedding Dresses Of All Time

1. Toilet Paper Wedding Dress:

For the budget-conscious bride.

2. Two-Mile-Long Wedding Dress:

For the bride who likes attention.

3. Cake Wedding Dress:

For the bride who likes to kill two birds with one stone. By artist Lukka Sigurdardottir.

4. Condom Wedding Dress:

For the bride who’s really just thinking ahead.

5. Head-to-Toe Crocheted Wedding Dress:

For the bride who thinks that “moving” and “gesturing” are overrated. By Yves Saint Laurent, 1965.

6. Vagina Wedding Dress:

For the bride who wants to celebrate herself.

7. Cupcake Wedding Dress:

For the bride who knows she’ll need a snack.

8. White Chocolate Wedding Dress:

For the poor, misguided bride who believes that white chocolate still counts as real chocolate.

9. Balloon Wedding Dress:

For the bride who loved Up and hates pointy objects.

10. Flower-Covered Wedding Dress

For the bride who doesn’t have any allergies.

11. Newspaper Wedding Dress:

For the bride who likes to know what’s going on in the world.

12. Bread-Tag Wedding Dress:

What started as a joke for this couple turned into the bride’s actual wedding dress, which she said cost only $36.

13. Wedding Dress Made Out of Wool from One of the Bride’s Sheep

This is actually really heartwarming.

14. No Wedding Dress:

For the couple with nothing to prove.

Source : Buzz Feed

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